Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Walloping Wednesday

So someone *coughcrazynancecough* reminded me that I said I'd be back in December and that it's December now so I should be back to posting. So here I am.

I'm having to use the crap top desk top computer for this because my lap top got infected with a virus or shareware or some such pain in the bytes thing. Being as broke as I am, I entrusted it to the IT department at school for repairs. I was supposed to get it back today, but that was before we got the first blizzard of the season, which resulted in only a handful of us intrepid souls making it to school today.

It snowed last night and then started warming up this morning, so by the time I had to clean off my car it was really wet snow. Then at some point today it turned to rain and now it's a real mess out there. If it freezes tonight we'll be in big trouble tomorrow. And did I mention I had just enough time to make some oatmeal for breakfast before the power went off? Was not able to have my chai latte so I ended up having to spring for a coffee at school. *sigh* It just wasn't the same.

This was the week I'd intended to start the edits for my NaNo novel, only most of it is on the lap top - I got slack about backing up. I also had the urge to edit my first NaNo novel, Driving Into Forever, but again, it's on the lap top.

My poetry book marks are all on my precious, including the poetry forms I've been doing a series on. And the research I had for a few of the posts for my Random Thoughts blog is also on the lap top. And while there are some who would say that the desk top is better than no top at all, I'm not one of them. The screen, though much bigger, is hard on my eyes, the keyboard's a little stiffer, and oh, did I mention it's a little on the SLOW side?

So, cross your fingers I get my lap top (with files intact) back tomorrow. Or brace yourself for another cranky post on Friday.


Cia said...

want some cheese to go with that wine? :P

Carol, the cat slave said...

No, but I could use some more of those Parmasen/garlic Triskets to go with the cheese. :-)