Wednesday, December 23, 2009

It's About Time!

Hey. Panda here. If you were expecting to see one of Firecat's boring posts, then too bad. Go to her writing blog. You can find it HERE . Don't say I never did anything for you.

As queen of the household, I claim the right of spokes-cat. Firecat's been neglecting this blog so we've staged a coup. We've taken over just about every other aspect of her and the man's lives, it was only a matter of time before we took over here.

Anyway, there's five of us cats, and we're each taking a different day to post.

I go first 'cause, let's face it, I'm the most important. I mean, without me there wouldn't even be a Romi, Julius, or Dante.

I know there's a few of you out there who've be inquiring about my health. That's so sweet of you, really.

Firecat and the man are pretty concerned about my weight. Apparently, they think it's a bad thing that I'm down to 5 1/2 pounds. Well maybe if they'd feed me more treats instead of that stupid expensive food I'd gain some weight. And they need to start buying the same treats the Treat Lady brings me. Those are primo. Worthy of me, you might say.

My usual day is going to be Mondays; you know, a treat to start your week.

So, let me tell you a little about myself. My brothers and I were abandoned in a snow bank out in the country and were rescued by a nice family who already had several cats. So, they put a notice up that we needed homes, and Firecat came to see us. I can smell a sucker good person a mile away, so as soon a she picked me up I gave her the sweetie pie eyes and started to purr. Then I curled up in her arms and pretended to sleep.

She actually named me Pandora, because I was so curious, but mostly I get called Panda. The man calls me Pantaloons, too, but he's not all there at the best of times. I mean, you should see him around that suck-up Julius. Pathetic!

But I digress. This is about me. I've just passed my 7th birthday and I have a pretty good life here, despite the fact the humans won't let me play outside. Something to do with the wildlife lurking around our town and the high incidence of cats who've disappeared.

My favorite food (this week) is Tuna Feast, by Fancy Feast. I'll wait until Firecat's stocked up before I switch to something else. My favorite sleeping place is on the padded desk chair in the rec room - it's dark and cozy, and right under a heat vent. Sometimes, if she's not using her lap for her lap top, I like to curl up on Firecat's lap while she's in the recliner.

But that's really just to keep her happy so the treats keep coming.

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