Monday, November 9, 2009

I'm Baaackkk

Did you miss me? I sure missed my internet for the last few weeks.

I think what happened was this: three weeks ago we had a storm and I think my modem got damaged by a power surge. It didn't go out right away, just got steadily worse until finally I wasn't getting any service at all.

I phoned my ISP last week and the earliest they could send someone out was Friday. So I waited, albeit a little unpatiently. The guy they sent out was not worth the wait. I must have been his last appointment of the day because he was in and out of here in less than five minutes. He never actually tested anything, he just looked at my modem and said "It's your wiring. You have three choices: run the cable around the outside of the house; pay a professional to fish it through the walls (again!); or move your service to the other end of the house." Then he left.

Shortly after he left I had a mini-meltdown. It had been a very bad week and this was the last straw.

Saturday morning I took the modem and my lap top down to the basement where the cable fed into the house. I unplugged the cable from the service provided splitter and plugged it directly into the modem, then I plugged the modem into my lap top. Still no connection.

So I phoned my ISP again and they sent some out today. This guy actually knew what he was doing. He came in, plugged his lap top into my modem and said: "Looks like your modem is fried." and then proceeded to go out to his truck and get me a new modem, ethernet cord, and power supply.

And here I am.

Oh happy day!

Anway, I can't say that I'll be doing any better at posting 'cause we're one week into NaNo and I'm falling behind, but at least you know that if I don't post it's for a reason other than my lack of internet. :-)

1 comment:

graceunderpressure said...

Yer Back! I missed you..
Did you report the dud dude?

Cogeco has reprimanded us [shut down our intarwebs] because someone has been hijacking us to send emails. :S We are to log on to cogeco and download their software. However, we never use our cogeco email, have NO idea what it is, and sure don't know the password. Wow. Fun.

But I have over 12000 words! :D