Monday, July 27, 2009

Migraine Monday

Yes, it’s been one of those days, which was preceded by one of those weekends. Is it just me or has the up and down weather been creating an abnormal number of migraines this summer?

Anyway, I’m feeling much better now so I thought it was time I got around to posting, if only to shut up the people who’ve been whining to me about it. :-)

Apparently my groove kinda petered out on me. I’ve barely managed to keep up my writing blog and even then I didn’t do a Friday post over there.

It’s not like you’ve missed much.

I got 87 % as my final mark in Economics. What saved my bacon was getting 29/30 on the assignment on the unemployment in Canada. I only got 39/50 on the exam.

I’ve also completed Marketing, but we haven’t got our final marks back for that yet. I really slaved over the assignment for that course and learned all kinds of things about McDonald’s that I really don’t care about. :-)

This week we’re finishing up Human Resources, which I really like. What I don’t like is that instead of getting one big assignment, we’ve been getting a bunch of shorter assignment. Three last week and three this week. We’ve also got a quiz on Wednesday and the exam on Friday because this is a short week for us.

The weather has been a major source of irritation. Mostly hot and humid and overcast. Or warm and rainy. Or windy and stormy.

Haven’t been getting as much writing done as I’d like, barring HR assignments. I’d like to change that but I’m not holding my breath.

Panda is back to her crazy self, much thinner and she’s still on medication and has to go to the vet twice a week, but personality wise she’s her old self.

And now, to prove that I'm not the only one with a crazy cat, I give you my grand-furbaby, Oliver.


Ciara said...

I'll send you one of him wearing the cape in his F4 airplane box. . .

Carol, the cat slave said...

I'm telling you, Ollie needs his own blog . . . :-)