Thursday, July 9, 2009

Getting Back In the Groove

Yesterday was supposed to be devoted to writing up a storm. Notice the word supposed, if you will.

A funny thing happened on the way to getting some writing done. A crow decided to commit suicide on the transformer at the end of our driving. Flash, boom, one dead crow and a dozen or so houses without power. The hydro guys were here pretty quickly, but as my neighbor was pointing out the crow to them, it started to rain. She went back inside and the hydro guys . . . vanished.

So I was dependent on the somewhat wonky battery of my laptop and every twenty minutes or so I had to go check on the sump pump to make sure I didn’t have to start bailing, otherwise, flooded basement. And to add insult to injury, it was downright cold out! What happened to my vision of resting in the lounge chair (that my husband bought me for our anniversary) under a tree in the back yard, sipping wine spritzers while reading a book?

Gone to the birds. That’s where.

Eventually we did get the power back on, so of course the first thing I did was . . . mosey on over to AW to check out the forums since it’s been awhile since I’ve darkened their doorway. I’ve been trying to broaden my scope over there, not just check out the same old boards I usually do, so I clicked on the movies/television board and lo and behold I found the Torchwood thread. Torchwood, for those of you who live under a rock, is a spin-off from the greatest sci fi series ever, Dr. Who. And I don’t want to hear about it if you don’t know about Dr. Who either. Go Google it!

Anyway, I have been anticipating the start of Season Three of Torchwood, and as far as I know it begins again on July 20 for 5 consecutive nights. Someone on the thread mentioned that the first couple of episodes were up on YouTube, so naturally I surfed on over and started watching. I watched the entire first episode and then had to take a break for supper. When I got back, my internet was down. It wasn’t the modem, it wasn’t the router, it was just one of those things.

Maybe it was my muse trying to tell me to stop wasting time and get writing. :-)

So naturally I played Spider Solitaire until the internet was working again, and then I finished watching Torchwood. Wow, is it good! Poor Captain Jack, what he goes through, and just in the first two episodes! Can't wait 'till tonight when the third episode is up!


Unknown said...

I think the fried crow was the first sign to get some paper and a pen and work up a writer's cramp....what happened to the story that you asked everyone to vote on? Are you posting it on the other site?

graceunderpressure said...

Yeah, what about all those great stories? Huh? :D

Glad yer back.. I missed ya.
ps- If you were a hydro guy, would YOU work in the rain??? O_o

Carol, the cat slave said...

:-p to both of you!

I'm working on the outline for the story everyone voted on. As soon as I get some actual story words down, I'll put a progress bar up on the other blog.