Monday, September 24, 2007

Time For a New One

Okay, it's a beautiful day out and I was feeling somewhat energetic (notice I said was). I was sitting here trying to decide which WIP I should work on, and was even considering having all three up, when something caught my eye.

It was the living room. The very messy living room. The one with the carpet that should be shaved. Wouldn't it be nice to work in a clean living room?

You'd think so, wouldn't you. Well I turned the vacuum cleaner on and it made a horrendously loud noise. So I tried replacing the bag - I take it as a bad sign when stuff is falling out of the opening when you take the bag off.

So, fresh bag installed, I tried again. Again, horrendous noise, no suction. Okay, maybe there was something stuck in there. So I started to try and take it apart. One minor problem - no Philips screwdriver. I have checked in every conceivible place a screw driver could hide.

Then I had a fudgesicle. Now I'm going to surf the net.

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