Here I am, another Monday with not much to say.
After a doom and gloom weekend, today is bright and sunny. Go figure.
I'm sitting here looking out my office window and I can tell you that even with the sun the view is not inspiring. I see my naked birch tree outside my window and beyond that a few other naked trees.
Have you ever noticed that different kinds of trees seem to be able to hang onto their leaves longer? I see that there are a few trees out there stubbornly clinging to their leaves - weeping willow, chestnut - while the birch and ash are totally naked and the maples nearly so.
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There's a fat man asleep in the mall.
On my way in to school this morning I couldn't help but notice they were setting up the enclosure for Santa (it's set up pretty much right in the middle of the most direct path down to the college). When we left, they'd finished the set up and Santa was snoozing away in his bed in the center of the enclosure.
This, my friends, means that the Santa Claus parade cannot be far away. Probably on Saturday. The mall will be swarming with tykes ready to scream and yell to wake Santa up so they can all have breakfast with Santa before the parade.
All I can say is, bah, humbug! Glad I don't work in the mall!
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You know, I always thought I was pretty good at spelling and grammar, but this course in Business Communication is showing me how wrong I am. I'm still pretty decent in spelling, I even pick up words that the spell checkers miss (ones that are spelled correctly, they're just the wrong word), but grammar - well that's a different story altogether.
Either the rules have changed or I've forgotten more than I realized. I did all right with the nouns, adverbs and adjectives, but apparently I have a problem when it comes to the tenses of verbs.
Can't wait for tomorrow when we do punctuation! :-(