Sunday, November 18, 2007


So, I have a confession to make. My lap top has been pretty much set to go since last weekend. So why haven't I been writing? Because I'm lazy. That's why.

I've done a lot of reading in the last week. For inspiration, you ask? No, because I'm lazy and didn't feel like doing anything else.

I booked vacation time for this week last December, figuring I'd need it to give my Nano word count a boost. Boy do I know me or what? Ask me how I've done on my Nano word count. Go, on. I dare you.

Nada, zip, zilch, zero.

My first priority today was to finish the letter I started to my sister in July, so I added 2,000 words to that, but they don't count for either challenge. But at least her letter is done and I can get it in the mail tomorrow.

Now, despite the fact that my house should be condemned by the Department of Health and my plants are in serious need of attentions (and water), I am not budging from this recliner until I've written at least 2,000 words that actually count towards something.

Unless I have to go to the bathroom.

And then get distracted.

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